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Showing posts from August, 2022


What is ping and how does it impact professional gaming?

  A lot of ISPs won’t tell you this, but speed isn’t everything. A powerful gaming experience that eliminates lag, jitter, and buffering in gaming requires more than just a fast internet connection. Physical distance to the server, connection speed, networking equipment connected to the internet, the number of devices sharing the connection, and traffic loads from nearby customers on the network can impact your actual speed. So, even though you may have an internet plan of 6 Mbps, noise on your network could be driving that down to 1 to 3 Mbps or even lower—especially during peak times. This is unacceptable for professional gamers and Twitch affiliates who run their business around winning tournaments and streaming powerful experiences to fans. It doesn’t matter if you purchase the most powerful gaming hardware for your studio and the fastest available internet plan with the highest advertised speed, a low ping rate is key to making crucial shots that lead to wins and tournament po...

What is a ping and how does it work?

  By Andrew Zola Source: What is a ping? A ping (Packet Internet or Inter-Network Groper) is a basic Internet program that allows a user to test and verify if a particular destination IP address exists and can accept requests in computer network administration. The acronym was contrived to match the submariners’ term for the sound of a returned sonar pulse. Ping is also used diagnostically to ensure that a host computer the user is trying to reach is operating. Any operating system (OS) with networking capability, including most embedded network administration software, can use ping. For example, to find the dot address, such as, for any given domain name, Windows users can go to the command prompt screen (start/run/cmd) and enter ping xxxxx.yyy, where xxxxx is the second-level domain name, like “whatis,” and yyy is the top-level domain name, like “com.” Ping is a simple way to check for a response fro...

Use a VPN To Lower Your Ping Rate for a Better Gaming Experience

  Last Updated by Ari Denial on July 25, 2021 Pings suck, right?  You might have a high performing personal computer, but every action you take will be quite slow because of high pings.  You’ll always lag behind while gaming, something that’s quite embarrassing plus it causes a lot of errors. In this guide, we will carefully explain what ping is; mention its significance and how you can lower it by using a  top VPN like  ExpressVPN  for an improved gaming experience. Enjoy super-fast gaming with ExpressVPN What is Ping Rate and What is Its Significance in Online Gaming? Before we knew exactly what ping was, we believed that an  active and fast internet connection  would be the best solution to combat this issue because of its  download and upload speeds. Today, we find this theory to be inapplicable. There are other factors which arise from having fast internet speeds, and ping is key among them. Now, what is it exactly?  It’s simply how...

How to lower your ping in minecraft

  April 6, 2022 by Askingames Source: How to Lower Your Ping in Minecraft. While in the game, open the main menu choose Options, and go to Video Settings. Set Graphics to Fast. Then, turn off Smooth Lighting. Significantly reduce Render Distance. Set Max Framerate to 60 fps. Switch Graphics from Fancy to Fast. Turn off Smooth Lighting or at least Minimum. Turn off VSync, if your device is old. Otherwise, turning it on is a good choice. Shorten View Distance (e.g. to 6). Turn off Mipmap Levels. Turn off Biome Blend or keep it at 5×5. Change Render Distance to 4-8. Change Clouds to Fast. Reduce Lag Minecraft with PingBooster PingBooster VPN Support Minecraft Arrive at the step of using PingBooster. Play Minecraft. It’s easy to use. Just apply to install and connect to the game Minecraft. In order to increase the speed, reduce Lag the … For starters go to  and run the test, if you get a low PING there but still bad ...